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my great-grandmother was marilyn lavaun. we called her monnie, but everyone else knew her by her middle name.

she was the epitome of style, class, and grace. she was an artist of many mediums- painter, quilter, potter- and the inward beauty that informed her fashion choices (always a nordy’s gal) and artwork shined through her until the day she passed on to glory.

it was her creativity and love of beauty and quality that ignited mine, both directly and indirectly as she passed it first to my momma.

one of the biggest blessings in my life to date is having known and loved nearly all of my great-grandparents. I had the additional privilege of living on the same property with monnie from my earliest memories until she passed shortly after my tenth birthday. I was her paper girl, earning ten cents per day and a much greater investment of hours spent chatting or simply watching rachael ray, paula dean, and barefoot contessa.

I often wonder what she’d say if she could see me now. how proud would she be of my graduations?

how much would she have cried had she seen me in my wedding dress? I can make a pretty informed educated guess, but as she isn’t here to tell me those things, I have to simply carry on her legacy, display her pride in my own creations.and so with that in mind, I am honored to present high-quality, handmade, and premium curated goods via~

lavaun co.

behind the name

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